
We envisioned a governance model that strongly emphasises decentralization, community involvement, and advanced security features while maintaining a sophisticated and flexible structure to adapt to the evolving landscape of blockchain governance.

OrangeLayer Governance Structure

Decentralization & Community Focus

  • Community Governance Council: A 15-of-21 multisig council composed of diverse stakeholders within the OrangeLayer ecosystem, including developers, users, and representatives from partner blockchain networks. This council is responsible for major strategic decisions, including contract upgrades and parameter adjustments, ensuring broad representation and community-driven governance.

Operational Agility

  • Technical Operations Committee: A 4-of-7 multisig tasked with overseeing routine upgrades and maintenance, implementing a minimum 14-day timelock for all critical actions to ensure transparency and provide sufficient review time for the community. This committee also has the capability to pause functionality in urgent situations, with actions being transparent and accountable to the Community Governance Council.

Emergency Response

  • Rapid Response Team: A 2-of-5 multisig, distinct from the Pauser Multisig, with the express purpose of addressing immediate security threats or critical operational issues. This team is empowered to take swift action in emergencies, subject to post-action review and ratification by the Community Governance Council.

Inclusive Observation & Emergency Powers

  • Observer DAO: Leveraging a DAO structure, this platform enables continuous community observation and feedback on the actions of the Technical Operations Committee. In extraordinary circumstances, the Observer DAO can trigger community votes for emergency interventions, including executing critical upgrades or reconstituting governance multisigs in case of security concerns.

Specialized Multisigs

  • Innovation & Research Multisig: A 5-of-9 multisig dedicated to exploring and integrating emerging governance mechanisms and blockchain innovations. This group collaborates with the community to propose and test novel governance features.

Automated Execution & Security

  • Smart Executor Contracts: Automated contracts that execute functions authorized by the Community Governance Council or Technical Operations Committee, ensuring that all actions are based on consensus and thoroughly vetted decisions.

Transparency & Accessibility

  • Governance Portal: A dedicated platform for all governance-related activities, offering real-time updates, proposals, voting mechanisms, and historical records. This portal serves as the central hub for community participation and oversight.

OrangeLayer Governance Members

The Community Governance Council will include prominent figures and contributors from the OrangeLayer ecosystem and broader blockchain community, ensuring a wide range of perspectives and expertise. The selection process will prioritize diversity, contribution, and commitment to the OrangeLayer vision.

Implementation and Evolution

The governance structure of OrangeLayer is designed to be adaptive, with mechanisms in place for the community to propose and implement changes to the governance model itself. As blockchain governance continues to evolve, OrangeLayer is committed to embracing innovative practices that enhance decentralization, security, and community empowerment.

Future Outlook

OrangeLayer's governance model is a forward-looking framework designed to balance the need for efficient operational decision-making with the ethos of decentralization and community participation. OrangeLayer governance aims to set a new standard for decentralized platform management by integrating feedback loops, emergency response capabilities, and continuous innovation.

Last updated